The family

Sergio Navacchia

Patriarch Born 1933, founded the company together with his wife Thea.
On april 7th, 2022, Sergio passed away and now has reached our mum and his wife Thea in heaven. However he continues to control everything from there, and so we do not have to worry.

Vittorio Navacchia

If you like our wines, it’s thanks to him (if you do not like them that is the vintage fault).
Vittorio is the agricultural and oenological of the company.
He boasts of having done his classical studies, but his real school was that of Donato Lanati, for ten years (1996-2005) wine consultant of the company and, for him, true master.
Great Methodist midfielder, of (very) poor mobility but with a superior foot.

Role model:
Paulo Roberto Falcao

David Navacchia

The best of the four: only apparently the heaviest…. His family members have treacherously used his law degree to give him the administrative responsibilities of the company (if you want to upset him call him “accountant”).
Bad break-in striker. Rude simulator Bully

Role model:
Ruggiero Rizzitelli.

Francesco Navacchia

The dolphin

Gradfather’s favourite, spoiled by him, if it is possible more than his mother

Quiet but efficient, only apparently indolent: tents to wait in ambush near the barrels of the best wines.


Role Model: Shaggy Rogers

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