
Campo di Mezzo

Our “vintage” Sangiovese, a splendid fusion of Forlì’s Sangiovese full of Sangiovese and the ‘gentile’ Sangiovese, more characteristic of Western Romagna. Try it also with combinations … provocative… like a mixed fried fish

  • Production area: Vigna della Quercia, Imola estate
  • Appellation: Sangiovese di Romagna D.O.C. Superiore
  • Grape variety:100% Sangiovese di Romagna
  • Altitude: 150 m a.s.l.
  • Soil profile:Silty, medium textured
  • Traning system:GDC (Geneva Double Curtain)
  • Vineyard density: 5000 plants / ha
  • Vineyard age: between 1995 and 2003
  • Yield per vine:1,7 kg/vine, with cluster thinning
  • Harvest period: 20 September, manual picking
  • Vinification:12-day maceration at 28° – 30° C, followed by malolactic fermentation
  • Fermentation temperature:in still and vetrified concrete tank
  • Malolactic fermentation: Yes
  • Average annual production: 60.000 bottles
  • Color: Shiny ruby red
  • Bouquet:Crisp dark fruit, with hints of sweets violets
  • Taste Well balanced and succulently fruity, with prominent notes of wild and sour cherry
  • Food pairingsBaked pasta with mushrooms or meat sauce, recipes featuring chicken livers, charcuterie


Campo di mezzo 2014     Campo di mezzo 2015    Campo di mezzo 2016   Campo di mezzo 2017    Campo di mezzo 2018    Campo di mezzo 2019 Campo di mezzo 2020  Campo di Mezzo 2021

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